Wells Gray Curling Club

Located in the North Thompson Sportsplex 

428 Murtle Crescent, Clearwater, BC V0E 1N0 


Register for the Love Where You Live and February Ladies Bonspiels NOW!

Bonspiel Registration Form

First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Phone Number *

What Bonspiel are you registering for? 

Team Name *
Skip's Name *
Team Member 1 *
Team Member 2 *
Team Member 3 *

How are you going to pay for the Ladies Bonspiel? $300 per team


For the Love Where You Live Bonspiel - each participant is required to bring a $20 prize (eg. gift card, etc) as their entry fee. 


Wells Gray Curling Club holds regular events such as the league nights, bonspiels and socials! Boasting 3 well maintained rinks to enjoy for all.